A four-lane road on NH-30 and NH-34 with project length of 306.34 kms.

The asset starts at km 656+000 of NH-30 (Km 242+400 of old NH-7) and ends at Km 1428+557 of NH 34 in the State of Madhya Pradesh. The asset has four toll plaza at Odhaki Paipkhar (Km 675+700 of NH 30), Kherwasani (Km 739+000 of NH 30), Mohtara (KM 840+567 of NH 30) and Boharipar (Km 1362+780 of NH 34).

The project stretch connects Rewa, Katni, Jabalpur and Lakhnadon districts of Madhya Pradesh. In the larger road network, the project stretch provides connectivity between East-West Corridor connecting Kolkata in West Bengal to Delhi and North-South corridor (NH-44) towards south at Jabalpur.