A four-lane road on NH-27 with project length of 27.3 kms.
This road is adjacent to the Kochugaon – Khaljhar Road (Asset 6) and starts at Khaljar in the state of Assam at km 1013+000 and ends at Pattacharkuchi in the state of Assam at km 1040+300. The asset has one toll plaza at Galia (km 1017+350) located 120 kms west of Guwahati.
In continuation to other six assets, this asset is located near origin of east – west corridor of India under NH-27. The asset forms part of the most industrialized state (Assam) within northeast (NE) region of India.
Kaljhar – Patacharkuchi has similar traffic pattern and connectivity as Kochugaon – Khaljhar Road (Asset – 6).