A four-lane road on NH-27 with project length of 114.171 kms.
It starts at Kochugaon in the state of Assam at km 30+000 of NH-27(old NH-31C) and passes through Rakhaldubi Bus Junction at km 92+671 / 961+500 of NH-27(old NH-31) and ends at Kaljhar in the state of Assam at km 1013+000. The asset has two toll plazas at Patgaon (km 49+600) and Dahalapara (KM 971+200) located 215 kms and 160 km west of Guwahati respectively.
The Asset, is connected via the Siliguri corridor, also famously referred as the Chicken Neck. The Siliguri Corridor and the asset connects the seven sisters of northeast India to the rest of India. The Asset acts as a feeder for the NE India and caters to the long-distance traffic entering the region via Assam.