A six-lane road on NH-48 with project length of 214.47 kms.
The asset starts at Chitradurga in the state of Karnataka at existing km 0+000 (Design Km 189+000) and ends at Hubli in the state of Karnataka at existing km 403+000 (Design Km 403+470). The asset has three toll plazas at Hebbalu (Existing km 237+650 / Design km. 239+330), Chalageri (Existing km 286+110 / Design km. 287+845) and Bankapur (Existing km 352+550 / Design km. 353+090)
Identical to Asset 12, this road also forms the Golden Quadrilateral connecting many of the major industrial, agricultural and cultural centres of India.
Chitradurga Bypass – Hubli Project has similar traffic pattern and connectivity Belgaum – Kagal (Asset – 12).