A four-lane road on NH-27 with project length of 75.30 kms.
It starts at Shivpuri in the state of Madhya Pradesh at km 1305+087 and ends at Jhansi in the state of Uttar Pradesh at km 1380+387. The road connects the districts of Jhansi in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Shivpuri in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The asset has one toll plaza at Raksha near Jhansi (km 1374+570). In continuation to Asset 1, Asset 2 and Asset 3, this asset also forms part of NH-27. The road stretch witnesses higher proportion of long route traffic between the eastern and western regions. Asset stretch is used by the traffic originating and destined in the regions such as Kanpur – Lucknow cluster, Indore cluster, Maharashtra and Gujarat.
Project Manager/Coordinator
Sh Rajech Chandra Gupta