Asset 6 is a 32.80 km four-lane road, starts on NH-19 (old NH-2) and ends on NH-44 (old NH-3) acting as connector between major highways in the state of Uttar Pradesh, branches out to NH-52 (old NH-3) and NH-44 (old NH-7) at Gwalior. The Asset 6 has one toll plaza at Raibha (km 10+800). Asset 6 acts as a bypass to the city of Agra, and a key link between Delhi and the regions of Gwalior, Maharashtra, and all southern states. It further connects the traffic originating from west from areas such as Gujarat and Jaipur to the cities in the East (Kanpur, Lucknow and beyond), thereby supporting the east-west movement.

Project Manager/Coordinator

Sh. Pawas Pradeept Singh